The last few days my body’s been super tired. Which means I’ve been super tired. And I really don’t like it! I had chronic fatigue a long time ago so, when I feel like this, honestly, I can’t stand it! I’m human! I get a bit emotional and a tad cranky lol, so I had to just surrender to it and rest rest rest. Super annoying lol, but super necessary!
Anyway, it got me thinking about balance.
That life is a balance of doing, being, resting, recovering, growing and thriving. The importance of joy and actively bringing that balance of doing inner work AND laughing, joy, play, fun, living, creativity, adventure! I’ve kind of been doing it but also been kinda crap at it!?!
I mean I’ve been doing the self care, but proper childlike joy?? I needed reminding, maybe you do too, to have some fun amongst the working hard!
Being creative, switching off sometimes and maybe reading a novel, watching a funny movie, playing in the park (yep-sometimes I jump on an empty swing in the park woohoo!), playing with your kids, your dog, jumping in puddles, whatever fun looks like for you!
Maybe you’re like me and needed this reminder. Life is here to be thoroughly enjoyed, not just to survive the hard stuff. Care for and love yourself with the hard times, giving time to heal and do what you need ….then sneak the fun in too xx
So cheers to you and to me!!! To having fun and feeling the joy of life. To remembering and being a joy explorer of what lights us up 🌻
joy #whatlightsyouup #balance #reikienergy