Energy Healing

What is Energy Healing?

Everything is energy. We have access to loving energy source at any time we consciously become aware of it. My first learning of energy was Reiki, and this has developed and grown over time, merging with the access of constant universal energy, and the spiritual wisdom of those that have come before us.

So what is Reiki? Reiki (pronounced Ray-key, “universal life energy”) is a gentle Japanese energy healing modality that works with your energy to assist in balancing the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects. Reiki activates your inner healer and expands your intuition and spiritual and energetic awareness. It’s a beautiful and deep connection to soul where self-awareness meets spirituality.

All energy healings, including Reiki, are based on the knowledge that universal life energy flows through all of us and by design, it assists the body to return to a place of balance and relaxation. While a Reiki session doesn’t heal, it allows the possibility of finding and feeling into your own unique healing response. It encourages self-responsibility and a return of your own sense of well-being, balance, peace and harmony.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

It’s your feel-good energy zap! There is a deep sense of relaxation and peace during and after a Reiki session. It helps calm the nervous system, easing you out of a state of stress into one of balance. A calm nervous system equals a relaxed nervous system – where the body operates at it’s optimal level.

Reiki helps relieve stress and anxiety, provides a gentle emotional release, gain mental clarity and can assist in easing physical pain.  It provides a deep spiritual connection, a reminder that you are loved and supported. Some other Reiki benefits are: quieting the mind; relaxation; improved quality of sleep; gentle emotional release; ease anxiety levels; feeling hopeful; can help lessen physical discomfort; a sense of clarity and peace.

What does a Reiki session look like?

A Reiki session with me is always unique as I like to see what is needed on the day.  In general, we have a heart-felt chat first – and this can include Holistic Counselling if you need – this sets the intention for the session. We then move into relaxation via breathwork or meditation, and then Reiki energy is moved through your body and energetic field to assist in clearing any blocks, bringing a sense of balance and calm to your body and mind.

Reiki involves the ‘laying on of hands’ and the transfer of gentle but powerful healing energy, and can be administered by the practitioner in person or via distance healing. With hands on or just above the body, Reiki energy will clear any blocked energy within your energetic system – chakras – and land where it is needed the most. 

What you feel will be unique to you. There may be a sensation of warmth from the practitioner’s hands – yes, even via distance healing you may feel this! You may experience a feeling of heat on or within your body, or a gentle tingling sensation. You may just feel a deep sense of peace and an easing of physical discomfort. 

And you know what? You may not feel anything?! And that’s ok! Energy healing is highly intuitive and goes where it’s needed as it works on all levels. Reiki has such a positive, peaceful energy, and each person will receive the energy exactly as is needed for you. 

What is distance Reiki?

Perhaps you’re thinking how can Distant Reiki work? (check out my testimonial page!)

Your distance Reiki session is the same as if you were in person with me. The only difference is you’re there and I’m here! If you prefer the comfort of your own home, or are unable to leave their house for whatever reason, live in another state or just want some energetic support but can’t make it in, this is where a distance healing session can support you.

Remember, while Reiki promotes relaxation and the body’s natural ability to heal itself, Reiki is not a replacement for medical care.
The Reiki Principles/Precepts

Just for today….

I will not worry…

I will not be angry….

I will be grateful….

I will do my work honestly….

I will be kind to every living thing…